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Info Info: Doctype given is "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" Info: Document content looks like HTML Proprietary
74 warnings, 0 errors were found!

The table summary attribute should be used to describe the table structure. It is very helpful for people using non-visual browsers. The scope and headers attributes for table cells are useful for specifying which headers apply to each table cell, enabling non-visual browsers to provide a meaningful context for each cell.

For further advice on how to make your pages accessible see . You may also want to try which is a free Web-based service for checking URLs for accessibility.

To learn more about HTML Tidy see Please fill bug reports and queries using the "tracker" on the Tidy web site. Additionally, questions can be sent to HTML and CSS specifications are available from Lobby your company to join W3C, see

Tidy another page

warn 94 Warning: replacing unexpected h1 by </h1>; Warning: trimming empty <h1>
<h1><h1><a id="PageID" target="_top" href="">
warn 95 Warning: discarding unexpected </h1>
Mercury Diagnostics Architecture</a></h1>
warn 116 Warning: trimming empty <label>
<form name="frmGS" method="get" action=""><label for="keyword" accesskey="S"></label>
warn 403 Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attribute
<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="top">
warn 408 Warning: missing <li>
<a href="1likes.htm#PerfTester">
warn 414 Warning: missing </div>
<div id="extraDivx">
warn 417 Warning: <form> anchor "extraDivx" already defined; Warning: <form> anchor "extraDivx" already defined; Warning: <form> lacks "action" attribute
<form name="extraDivx" id="extraDivx"><select name="extraDivx" size="1" onfocus="this.value='';" onchange="extraDivxFormHandler()">
warn 432 Warning: inserting implicit <p>
warn 433 Warning: trimming empty <p>
warn 436 Warning: missing </a> before <form>
<a href="1likes.htm#Developer">
warn 438 Warning: <form> anchor "extraDiv1" already defined; Warning: <form> lacks "action" attribute
<form name="extraDiv1"><select name="extraDiv1" size="1" onfocus="this.value='';" onchange="extraDiv1FormHandler()">
warn 495 Warning: trimming empty <label>
<form name="frmS" method="get" action=""><label for="keyword" accesskey="S"></label>
warn 507 Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&version"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&new"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&showtools"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&oq"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&NavBook"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&NavGo"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&NavCurrentChapter"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&word"
<option value="">in</option>
warn 509 Warning: <input> proprietary attribute "width"; Warning: <input> proprietary attribute "height"; Warning: <input> proprietary attribute "border"
<input type="image" name="sa" src="" alt="Go Search" width="16" height="16" border="0" />
warn 546 Warning: <a> anchor "Feedback" already defined
<a name="Feedback"></a>
warn 547 Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attribute
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#CFCFCF" width="100%">
warn 555 Warning: discarding unexpected </a>
<img alt="Send a message with your email client program" src="" width="36" height="20" border="0" /></a>
warn 572 Warning: missing </form>
<form name="fmCmt" method="post" action="../asp/takemail.asp" onsubmit="return disableForm(this);">
warn 590 Warning: <input> attribute value "TEXT" must be lower case for XHTML
Your first <U>n</U>ame: <br /><input type="TEXT" id="friendname" name="friendname" accesskey="N" value=" " size="30" maxlength="70" /><br />
warn 591 Warning: <input> attribute value "TEXT" must be lower case for XHTML
Your <U>f</U>amily name: <br /><input type="TEXT" id="friendfame" name="friendfame" accesskey="F" value=" " size="30" maxlength="70" /><br />
warn 592 Warning: <input> attribute value "TEXT" must be lower case for XHTML
Your <U>l</U>ocation (city, country): <br /><input type="TEXT" id="Loc" name="Loc" accesskey="L" value=" " size="30" maxlength="70" /><br />
warn 593 Warning: <input> attribute value "TEXT" must be lower case for XHTML
<U>Y</U>our Email address:&nbsp;<br /><input type="TEXT" id="Email" name="emailaddr" accesskey="Y" value="__@__.__" size="30" maxlength="70" /><br />
warn 597 Warning: discarding unexpected </form>
warn 608 Warning: <p> proprietary attribute "valign"
&nbsp;</p><p valign="bottom">
warn 610 Warning: <input> attribute value "RESET" must be lower case for XHTML
<input type="RESET" value="Clear" />
warn 611 Warning: <input> attribute value "SUBMIT" must be lower case for XHTML
<input type="SUBMIT" name="submit" value="Send" onclick="takemsgv(document.getElementById('verif').value);return(mybutton(this.form));" />
warn 620 Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "alt"
<a target="_blank" href=""
warn 623 Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&_url"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&_html"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&_file"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&alt-text"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&doctype"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&drop-empty-paras"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&fix-backslash"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&fix-bad-comments"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&fix-uri"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&join-styles"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&lower-literals"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&ncr"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&new-blocklevel-tags"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&new-empty-tags"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&new-inline-tags"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&new-pre-tags"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&output-xhtml"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&quote-ampersand"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&quote-nbsp"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&indent"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&indent-spaces"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&tab-size"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&wrap"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&wrap-asp"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&wrap-jste"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&wrap-php"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&wrap-sections"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&ascii-chars"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&char-encoding"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&input-encoding"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&output-bom"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&output-encoding"; Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&_output"
| <a target="_blank" href="">HTML Tidy</a>
warn 628 Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&rptmode"
| <a target="_blank" href="">Cynthia 508</a>

Tidy command line: --output-xhtml y --indent "auto" --indent-spaces "2" --wrap "90"